The concise critics

I’m not convinced this is actually a movie. It feels like a parody of a romantic comedy trailer. These few minutes made me laugh but despite so many of my favourite actors being present I’m struggling to see how this could be funny over 90 minutes.   But to complete it here’s the obligatory happy […]

Categories: Trailers

Okay so it looks like Disney ripping off the concept of Wicked but man Angelina Jolie (an actor of whom I’m NOT usually fond) really looks to bring it. I’m curious. Apparently Jolie also insisted upon the canonical ‘horns’ despite the studio execs being concerned they would diminish the star’s attractiveness and pulling power. Good […]

Categories: Trailers

I normally HATE anachronistic moments in movies but perhaps I can suspend that rule for this comedy. Because it looks bloody funny. I’m already laughing.

Categories: Trailers

I’m going to file this under WTF… though it doesn’t look as bad as I first thought it would. We shall see.    

Categories: Trailers

Are we  running out of movie ideas?  Most definitely not… according to the creators of Zombeavers. I don’t think I can say much more about this.  The trailer kind of speaks for itself.

Categories: Trailers

Mick Taylor is back!  He’s brutal, maniacal and crazy… and is ready to scare away any tourist who dares to visit our Australian outback.  Will Wolf Creek 2 be just as good as the first?

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Wow. I haven’t been this excited about a super hero movie in… well a loooong time.

Categories: Trailers

The new Transformers trailer HOT OFF THE PRESS direct from the Super Bowl trailer! Exciting stuff. And shiny.

Categories: Trailers

Angelina Jolie as the evil Maleficent?  Perfect.  Magnificent even.  This new sneak peek trailer is bound to make anyone excited for the release of this revamped classic fairy tale.  Lana Del Ray accompanies the eeriness with her re-imagined cover of the tune “Once Upon a Dream”.  The extra touch of the Maleficent’s dark castle behind […]

Categories: Trailers

Imagine a boxing movie about Rocky vs Raging Bull. Then watch this trailer. I’m unconvinced but seeing the preview screening shortly so watch this space for a review shortly.

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This should be fascinating. Both the story and what they choose to focus on.

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Saw this in the states recently. Good stuff!

Categories: Trailers

I LOVED the first movie. It was a delightful story and so beautifully made and one of the very few movies I believe work in 3D. So I’m a bit excited about the sequel. It’s interesting that it seems a little more grown up than the original but perhaps it’s aging with its audience. Either […]

Categories: Trailers

Not characters I have any affinity to but the trailer looks fun and interesting. And I do love time travel… Okay, now I’ve put it on my To Watch list.

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Categories: Trailers

I love horror movies but, to be honest, the last decade or so has been reasonably devoid of decent horror flicks. Then along came Paranormal Activity which reminded filmmakers that scary movies are more about suspense than gore, blood and detailed monsters. Love them. So here are some clips of the upcoming latest PA movie.

Categories: Trailers

I hated the first Amazing Spiderman and after watching this trailer I’m already concerned for the newly rebooted franchise. Seriously? Multiple villians has hardly ever worked, the Richard Parker storyline already looks forced and while it looks big on action and fx it rolls out cliched dialogue hinting at a lack of depth. To me […]

Categories: Trailers

Ron Burgundy is everywhere at the moment! In cinemas telling us to turn off our phones, hosting TV shows (even here in Australia) and even commenting on the Doctor Who buzz in the lead-up to the 50th anniversary special. What could be better? Well, the movie itself but until then be teased some more with […]

Categories: Trailers


Okay, this looks fascinating. It’s on my ‘to-watch’ list for sure.  

Categories: Trailers

We’re SO excited about the next animated Disney movie! We cannot wait. What do you mean you don’t know anything about it? Watch this now!

Categories: Trailers

One of my all-time favourite novels finally makes it to the big screen. I’m so excited I’m not sure I want to watch the trailer. (but in case you do, here it is)

Categories: Trailers

Well this is gut-wrenching. The legend of the 47 ronin is one of my favourite Asian stories (behind only the Monkey king and the journey west) and this looks so beautiful aesthetically. BUT Keanu?!? Now I’m not hating for hating sake. I’m not complaining it’s Keanu (though that’s far from ideal) – I just don’t […]

Categories: Trailers

Cuteness overload? Well actually this looks like it’s got a bit of an edge.  

Categories: Trailers