The concise critics

Are you sick of movie reviews that seem to go on longer than the movie? Of critics indulging in pretentious waffle and unnecessary analysis? Let’s face it: sometimes you just want to know whether a movie is good or not.

Here at superquickreviews we promise to get to the point. We guarantee one or two paragraph reviews that simply tell you how good (or bad) a film is. There’s no fanboy raving or troll ranting – just our honest opinion. Brought to you by experienced reviewers who genuinely love films.


(for a quick version of who the crew are, checkout our SuperQuickBios)

Anthony Sherratt
Anthony has over 20 years experience both in the media and reviewing movies. Currently he lectures in journalism at the Queensland University of Technology but started his professional life as journalist with the Toowoomba Chronicle more than 25 years ago. He went on to write and review for a number of publications including The Honk (circulation 9,000) and Destinations travel magazine (circulation 34,000) where he also became Editor In Chief. After brief stints working for the Queensland Government and an international resort company, Anthony returned to the media to teach the budding journalists of the future. He appears regularly on ABC radio as an expert panelist and is the Managing Editor of

Elizabeth Best
Elizabeth is a journalist who has more than a decade of experience working in the industry on publications such as The Sydney Morning Herald, The Age and The Canberra Times. She became enamoured with film while working at a video store in her teens and subsequently completed a Bachelor of Journalism majoring in Film Studies. She has reviewed for publications including Affair Magazine, Scene Magazine, BrizTix, StageDiary and au. She was also a TV host and reviewer for Briz31’s film review show, Popcorn. She now works at Australian Associated Press and its subsidiary, Pagemasters, and is Editor in Chief of

Ben Bissett
A news producer at Australian Associated Press in Sydney, Ben has an illustrious journalism career spanning 13 years. During his time working across several mastheads in the APN stable, Ben has held almost every editorial position in the newsroom, from reporter, film reviewer and columnist to chief subeditor, lead designer and daily chief of staff. His work at The Sydney Morning Herald, The Age and The Canberra Times saw him co-ordinate the production of several arts and entertainment titles including Sydney’s popular Unwind and Spectrum magazines. With credits like that, how could say no?

Alex Condon
Currently a sub-editor for News Limited, Alex has previously worked on titles such as The Sydney Morning Herald, The Age, The Canberra Times, The Australian and The Financial Review. His work caught the attention of Scene Magazine, for whom he’s interviewed musicians, DJs and comedians, and provided witty, concise music reviews. Always keen for the limelight, Alex has also hosted two satirical student radio shows and performed stand-up comedy around the Brisbane circuit. Alex’s quick turn of phrase and comedy background made him an ideal pick to be a SuperQuick reviewer.

Stephen Scott
Stephen is a freelance creative who has worked in the marketing and communication worlds for over 25 years. Stephen wrote music reviews for The Toowoomba Chronicle in the late 1980s, which naturally led to being Editor-In-Chief of both Trendwest’s Destinations and APVC’s Vacations Magazines, as well as being the webmaster for the companies respective websites. (Naturally! Music = travel, doesn’t it?) He has also toiled on the other side of the fence, working in PR to promote Brisbane theatre (including Brisbane Arts Theatre, La Bôite, Kooemba Jdarra, and Youth Arts Queensland), lecturing / tutoring journalism at the Queensland University of Technology; and hosting radio shows on 4DDB (new releases) and 4RPH (news broadcasts). He’s still not sure what he wants to do when he grows up, apart from reviewing Star Wars Episodes VII, VIII, IX, X, XI … ∞

Amy Currie
is a writer and performer from Brisbane. She scribbles advertising copy by day and flails her limbs under the guise of improvised comedy by night. She’s appeared with Brisbane’s ImproMafia since 2008, and is now the company’s Co-Artistic Director. Amy has performed in New York, Manila, Beijing and Edinburgh and represented Queensland at the Theatresports National Championships. She’s written for Scene Magazine, Brisbane Times and, taken part in sketch comedy and scripted theatre and has dabbled in voiceovers. Her unnatural obsession with pickled foods is slowly tearing her life apart.

Cindy Nelson
Cindy is an actor, writer and director with a Bachelor of Arts in Communication. Not content to work behind the scenes, Cindy has appeared as a lead actress in two Australian feature films, one of which appeared at the Toronto International Film Festival. She’s an alumni of the Melbourne International Comedy Festival and has been an invited guest of several international film festivals. Having worked in a video store for nine years, reviewing films for customers every day, and with her insider industry knowledge, Cindy has finally decided to make the leap to professional reviewing with SuperQuickReviews.

Hilary Board
Hilary is a former sub-editor for The Canberra Times, the Sydney Morning Herald, The Age, Sunday Mail, and The Courier-Mail newspapers. She’s also worked as a writer and sub-editor for several beauty, lifestyle and fashion magazines in both Brisbane and Sydney, and as a freelance PR manager and web-copy writer. The Shining, Princess Bride, Fight Club, Kill Bill and The Graduate make up Hilary’s top five films. A horror movie buff, she has found herself grinning diabolically at the quality scare fare cropping up of late

Dan Beeston
Dan is a working performer and storyteller with a decade and a half of improvised theatre under his belt. He’s starred in major impro shows all over Australia and in 2013 won the Grand National Championships. A featured guest on ABC local radio every Wednesday in 2012, Dan also appeared alongside Dan Anstey on the pilot of panel show ‘The Fritz’. He has animation credits in the Star Trek parody ‘Pus in Boots’ (2002). (It’s a real film. It’s on IMDB and everything.) Dan feels he judges movies harshly but fairly unless it’s a golf movie – a genre for which he has a distinct fondness.

Marnie Clarke
Marnie is a professional sub-editor with a background as a special reports journalist in community newspapers. Her sub-editing work on The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age saw her lead the weekly production of The Age’s real estate section and TV guide, and The Sydney Morning Herald’s fashion and lifestyle supplement Essential Style. Her freelance editing projects have included a novel and an autobiographical cookbook. In her spare time she indulges her passion for performance as the lead vocalist of Brisbane rock band Poisonwood Tree.

Stewart Cook
A multi-talented artist whose portfolio includes writing and drawing comics, Stewart’s passion for stories and film is matched only by his encyclopaedic knowledge and intensity over his pet genres of horror and comic-book adaptations. He’s won awards for his work in advertising but his true love lies in music. When he’s not working or playing in various Adelaide bands, Stew still finds time to write and draw comics as well as running Square peg publishing.

Elodie Boal
By day, Elodie is a marketing co-ordinator, as well as a journalist and news presenter for Switch 1197AM. By night she can be found treading the boards in the theatres of Brisbane. Elodie’s reviewing experience began with her work as associate editor on music magazine The Fallout. Her radio credits include work with Nova, 4ZZZ, 106.9FM and 98.9FM. As a writer, she has received several awards including Best New Australian Play and Best Original Work at the South-East Queensland Drama Festival. Elodie has a passion for all things film and a deep love for Jackass she hadn’t been able to reveal until she became a SuperQuick reviewer.