Anthony Sherratt
Anthony has over 20 years experience both in the media and reviewing movies which means his popcorn-throwing skills are quite advanced. He is an enigma wrapped in bacon. Because bacon is much tastier than riddles.
Elizabeth Best
Liz is an egotist, narcissist, princess, writer, movie lover extraordinare and that’s the way she likes it. She is also very good on stage. Words are weapons to her and if you get in her way she may stab you with a preposition. But she’s lovely. We swear.
Stephen Scott
Stephen is a freelance copywriter with a passion for whatever can waste his time in the most enjoyable way possible. He is fiercely loyal and constantly entertaining. A passionate geek, he also answers to DarthAmbiguous. Writes well he does.
Cindy Nelson
Cindy is a girl-about-town, fashion blogger and actress. Style is everything – as are costumes, cinema and celebrities. In her first review she implied taking her pants off in the cinema. She’s sassy, stylish and awesome.
Stewart Cook
A multi-talented artist whose portfolio includes writing and drawing comics, Stewart’s passion for stories and film is matched only by his encyclopaedic knowledge and intensity over his pet genres. We used to call him Captain GrumpyPants.
Sarah Moran
Sarah is not an internet addict: she just plays one in the waking hours. Vivacious, bubbly and intelligent she loves Karaoke and will change the world with technology. Just you watch.
For a more detailed look at who’s writing your reviews check out the full bios.