Snow White and the Huntsman
Movie review score
What’s it about?
In a twist to the fairy tale, the Huntsman ordered to take Snow White into the woods to be killed winds up becoming her protector and mentor in a quest to vanquish the Evil Queen.
What did we think?
Far better than you expect it to be, though not as good as it could have been. Obviously curtailed from stepping into the darkness and mayhem it so longs for in order to maximise audiences, Snow White nonetheless manages to engage on a more adult level than most popcorn flicks.
So went in with low expectations did we?
I wouldn’t say low, but I expected little beyond ‘ok’ from a bland main cast. The dwarves definitely steal the film performance wise.
Theron produced a very engaging character that had me on the edge of my seat. I am yet to be completely impressed by Stewart’s performances. As for Hensworth, he is home grown and filled with talent. The movie as a whole was relatively entertaining, I would certainly not rush to see it again.