The concise critics

The Equalizer

Year : 2014 Director : Antoine Fuqua Running Time : 131 Genre :
Movie review score

What’s it about?
An everyday insomniac turns out to be more than he seems when the scum of the earth floats to the top of his little pond. He quickly goes about adding ventilation holes to those who would do harm to the innocent in his life.

What did we think?
Dan says: This modern reimagining of the eighties TV show of the same name is a beautiful demonstration of the ‘Justice Porn’ genre of film. Denzil Washington is a calm and calculating avenging angel. Apparently invincible he separates each two dimensional bad guy from his insides on route to make calmly psychopathic speeches to his main adversary.

The film doesn’t really challenge the viewer unless the viewer’s stomach for visceral violence is weak. No big surprises but a well-made piece of cinema that would have wooed Edward Woodward if Edward Woodward could be wooed.

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